Lol Just played through the Gauntlet remake and some DL. Gauntlet needs a come back. Great video very clean animation.
Lol Just played through the Gauntlet remake and some DL. Gauntlet needs a come back. Great video very clean animation.
Yeah, that'd be awesome if it made a come back. I might pick that remake up, I didn't know it existed before today, but it looks like it'd be fun. Thanks so much :)!
Great job on the video!
ey thanks for voicing him baby
Too cool for school. Haha
the best line
nice job!
Rawr xD
Very Epic!
Hell yeah that was dope!
Thanks again for voicing the last dragon bit at the end man!
I don't know you but i think this video is super good. Oh my god if i knew you which i don't i would ask you out on a hot date and give you the good dinner sex. Please send my a bottle of your semen to 1000 West Fulton Street & 320 North Morgan Street, Chicago, IL 60607. Thank you. I think this is the best roblox lets play i have ever played jacked off 6 times. Wow i hope you make a cartoon with some guys because that would be cool a ro dog. Still don't know who you are but would date 5/5.
Lets fuck!
Nice you might want to add a few more frames at the end to make the stop feel less sudden.
Thanks for the feed back, I'll be sure to keep that in mind next time. ^_^
Joined on 4/20/15